
Showing posts from March, 2022

M4 CP - Book Cover Design (Part 2)

  M4 CP - Book Cover Design (Part 2) Pinocchio Cover I love Pinocchio and this book is just such a classic. I thought it would be fun to redesign the cover since my little brother was reading the book for school. On the cover we have Pinocchio and everyone's favorite cricket, Jiminy Cricket. I took a used a Pinocchio picture I found on the web and layer masked it so only the cricket and Pinocchio was visible. I had also adjusted the hue and saturation on the image to give a nicer, cleaner look to it. I also chose the Trajan Color font to make the cover feel more authentic. On the spine I have a picture of Pinocchio's head which I got from the front and just finished layer masking. I also kept the same font for the text and I have the Walt Disney logo to make it feel like it's a real book cover. Now I admit the back does seem kind of bare. I used the rectangle tool to make a box for the text to go into which has the same font. I then have the price of the book and the barcod

M4 CP - Book Cover Design (Part 1)

  M4 CP - Book Cover Design (Part 1) Book Choice For this project I decided to redesign the Pinocchio cover. I looked at some images from Pinocchio to see what it had to offer. Through this dive into Pinocchio I have developed a few covers from the images I gathered.  The first front cover is a picture of the Walt Disney's Pinocchio's head which will be blended into the background. The Spine also has a picture of Pinocchio as well as the logo for the book I had used for reference. on the back is just the text with a bar code and the cost. The second front is a picture of famous Jiminy Cricket which will also be blended into the background. The front also has a picture of a log to represent Pinocchio. The Spine has a picture of Jiminy hat with the title, logo, and author. The back has the text and a log like on the front. It also has the barcode and cost. The third front has a picture of a puppet on it to represent Pinocchio which will be faded into the background. On the Spine

M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 2) Drugs, the People Killer

  M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 2) "Drugs, the People Killer" For this awareness poster I wanted to make it nice and simple for people to understand. Everyone knows the bio hazard symbol and if you see one of those suckers, you best stay away. To link the symbol to drugs I put a smoking cigarette through the symbol so the reader understands the connection. I also made the background black and the font white so it would stand out more, really make it pop. Abusing drugs is never good for anyone and you don't even need to be the one abusing drugs to be affected. Many people die every year from drug overdoses and I think that it was really important to make this issue crystal clear.                                                     Here are the images I used.