
Showing posts from February, 2022

M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 1)

  M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 1) Drugs, the People Killer For this poster design I decided to put all my attention and effort into the dangers of drug abuse. becoming dependent on these horrible drugs such as weed to feel good is addiction. Addiction is a disease and we need to some how prevent terrible statistics such as over 70,000 people die in the US every year due to drug overdoses. Drug abuse affects everyone and not just the addicted. they need to understand that people such as their family and friends will be affected by their actions and heartbroken.  Sketch 1 For this sketch I wanted to show how bad addiction is. Addiction is a disease. Once your hooked being able to stop without assistance is nearly impossible. I wanted to really get that point across by shoving a cigarette into the infection/biohazard symbol.   Sketch 2 For this sketch I wanted to show that drug abuse does not just affect the person addicted, but everyone around them. Drug abuse is no joke and the pain a

Photo Hijack part 2

Photo Hijack (Part 2) Drug abuse For this piece I had used a very famous drawing of a skull. In my original sketch I had added a vape pen and a cigarette behind the skull which I managed to pull off here. I pulled this off by preforming a layer mask by hitting the button that looked like a Japanese flag as my old art teacher would say and used it to change the transparency of the images of the pen and cigarette. The message I wanted to get across is that drug abuse is not a good thing, and I'm sure many of you may know people who are dealing with a drug issue as we speak. Drug abuse affects us all and not just the one's doing the drugs. It could lead to many lasting scars and death. Drug Abuse is a very big issue and it needs to stop. The Cost of Drug Abuse Here is all of the Images I used to create this piece:

M2 CP - Photomontage: Image Hijack (Part 1)

M2 CP - Photomontage: Image Hijack (Part 1) Top 3 Political Issues  To me there are many important things for citizens of the united states and really anywhere in the world. My first Issue would be drug abuse. Drug abuse is never a good thing no matter where you are. It can lead to many organ failures, such as heart, lung, liver, and many more. Never abuse drugs unless you want to dig yourself an early grave. The second issue is the southern border. Since Biden was put in office the wall has just been sitting there with  a gap in it. I believe that we need our border secured because we need to stop the harmful people from getting in. There is a legal way to enter America and I advise any Immigrant that does not mean harm to go through that way. My final political issue is the right to bare arms. Our gun rights are being restricted everyday. Some can't have Machine guns, short barreled rifles, or short barreled shot guns. A criminal by definition, can obtain a weapon how ever they s