Photo Hijack part 2

Photo Hijack (Part 2) Drug abuse

For this piece I had used a very famous drawing of a skull. In my original sketch I had added a vape pen and a cigarette behind the skull which I managed to pull off here. I pulled this off by preforming a layer mask by hitting the button that looked like a Japanese flag as my old art teacher would say and used it to change the transparency of the images of the pen and cigarette. The message I wanted to get across is that drug abuse is not a good thing, and I'm sure many of you may know people who are dealing with a drug issue as we speak. Drug abuse affects us all and not just the one's doing the drugs. It could lead to many lasting scars and death. Drug Abuse is a very big issue and it needs to stop.

The Cost of Drug Abuse

Here is all of the Images I used to create this piece:
