M2 CP - Photomontage: Image Hijack (Part 1)

M2 CP - Photomontage: Image Hijack (Part 1)

Top 3 Political Issues 

To me there are many important things for citizens of the united states and really anywhere in the world. My first Issue would be drug abuse. Drug abuse is never a good thing no matter where you are. It can lead to many organ failures, such as heart, lung, liver, and many more. Never abuse drugs unless you want to dig yourself an early grave. The second issue is the southern border. Since Biden was put in office the wall has just been sitting there with  a gap in it. I believe that we need our border secured because we need to stop the harmful people from getting in. There is a legal way to enter America and I advise any Immigrant that does not mean harm to go through that way. My final political issue is the right to bare arms. Our gun rights are being restricted everyday. Some can't have Machine guns, short barreled rifles, or short barreled shot guns. A criminal by definition, can obtain a weapon how ever they see fit. No amount of background checks and weapon bans can stop them. These policies only make it harder for the law abiding citizens to defend themselves and it's not right.

Gun Rights

In the sketch I show someone stealing a fire arm and a law abiding citizen trying to obtain the something to defend himself with. The state he's in, he would only be allowed to have a wheel gun, or a revolver. The criminal was able to take whatever he wanted because he does not need to obey laws. The inspiration for this sketch is from one of those political cartoons.

Boarder security

In the sketch I show how the border was left after Biden was put in office. There is our Border wall left unfinished and all of the materials are lying there on the ground. At the gap in the wall you can see a bunch of immigrants rushing to get across the border into the united states. The inspiration for this sketch was from a Business Insider article Picture.

Drug Abuse

In the sketch I show off two different versions on a design. One is the old skull and crossbones, but replacing the bones is a cigarette and a vape stick. The design on the top is suppose to be a head vaping. This head has lost it's human characteristics like a nose, eyes. and it has the crossbones in the back. The inspiration for this sketch is from the classic skull and crossbones image.
