M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 1)


M3 CP - Awareness Poster (Part 1)

Drugs, the People Killer

For this poster design I decided to put all my attention and effort into the dangers of drug abuse. becoming dependent on these horrible drugs such as weed to feel good is addiction. Addiction is a disease and we need to some how prevent terrible statistics such as over 70,000 people die in the US every year due to drug overdoses. Drug abuse affects everyone and not just the addicted. they need to understand that people such as their family and friends will be affected by their actions and heartbroken. 

Sketch 1

For this sketch I wanted to show how bad addiction is. Addiction is a disease. Once your hooked being able to stop without assistance is nearly impossible. I wanted to really get that point across by shoving a cigarette into the infection/biohazard symbol.  

Sketch 2

For this sketch I wanted to show that drug abuse does not just affect the person addicted, but everyone around them. Drug abuse is no joke and the pain a family can go through while someone close to them is addicted can be heart breaking. I show someone smoking and a whole family behind them coughing, adults, children, and babies. 

Sketch 3

For this sketch I wanted to instill fear into anyone who would want to abuse drugs by using a statistic. "Over 70,000 people drug overdoses occur in the US Annually." I then tell them to not be part of the statistic, effectively telling them to not do drugs. I also made a tombstone that shows the people died due to the drug overdose.

Where I got the Statistic: https://drugabusestatistics.org/
